The Turtle of Oman

When Aref, a third-grader who lives in Muscat, Oman, refuses to pack his suitcase and prepare to move to Michigan, his mother asks for help from his grandfather, his Siddi, who takes Aref around the country, storing up memories he can carry with him to a new home.

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The Leopard Boy

Khalid, who herds goats for his powerful uncle, meets an old man while searching for a lost goat who tells him about leopards and the fact that they are endangered. When Khalid reports the lost goat to his uncle, his uncle is sure a leopard is responsible and organizes a hunt, causing Khalid and the old man join to forces to protect the leopard. This story, set in Oman, highlights theplight of the Arabian leopard and the dilemmas facing traditional peoples in seeking to improve their lives.

Come and Play: Children of Our World Having Fun

Come and Play features 32 photographs of children from everywhere. China, Japan, Greece, Wales, Morocco, Oman, Texas, New York, and many more. Each photo is beautiful, thought provoking, and accompanied by lines of children’s poetry that will amuse young readers, and cause adult readers to reflect and laugh as they see the images through children’s eyes. The photographs span the last fifty years; while the children who wrote about them are a diverse group between the ages of 5 and 11.