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The Internet: Connecting a Non-Fiction Reader to Fiction

Monique Storie, University of Guam, Latte Heights, GU

DC's Ancient Rome Book, the book connecting a non-fiction reader to fiction.


“Why would I want to read fiction when there are so many fascinating things on this earth to learn about?!”


We are avid readers in my house but we run the gamut in our reading preferences. My husband and I prefer fiction (I gravitate towards realistic fiction while Brett prefers modern fantasy and alternate history) but our son is a true non-fiction aficionado. As a preschooler, Ethan loved when his teacher read current events to him and would even remind her to read the newspaper in the morning when she forgot. As he grew, Ethan found facts, events, and tidbits about our lives more interesting than stories. My father, a non-fiction aficionado himself, summed up Ethan’s fascination with non-fiction by saying “Why would I want to read fiction when there are so many fascinating things on this earth to learn about?!”
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