Ted and Betsy Lewin’s adventures take them from the northernmost tip of Australia to the southernmost tip. At the top, they interrupt a python’s mealtime, encounter a ferocious pack of dingoes, and come face-to-face with a crocodile. Down at the bottom, they dine with rude kangaroos, meet their first platypus, and confront an ill-tempered sea lion! The vivid colors, close-up paintings, and rich landscapes rendered in the Lewins’ distinct watercolor styles, combined with action-packed narrative, will make you want to pack your bags and visit the land down under!
- ISBN: 9780688141134
- Published: 2005 , HarperCollins
- Themes: Australian animals, Discovery and exploration, travel journal
- Descriptors: Australia, Oceania, Picture Book, Primary (ages 6-9)
- No. of pages: 40