Korean Children’s Favorite Stories

Korean Children’s Favorite Stories is a captivating collection of Korean folk tales that have thrived for generations. Some are unique to Korea, while others echo those told in other countries. Written with wit and pathos, they reveal the follies of people everywhere and expose the human-like qualities of animals and the animal-like qualities of humans.

Flicka, Ricka, Dicka and the Three Kittens

Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka were three little girls who lived in Sweden. They had blue eyes and yellow curls, and they looked very much alike. One time, while their aunt and uncle were away, Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka offered to take care of Mitzi, the cat. The girls got fresh milk and fish for Mitzi, and they played with her all day. Then Mitzi disappeared! Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka searched everywhere–the streets and even the rooftops. Mitzi stayed hidden–but that was because she had a big surprise.

Snipp, Snapp, Snurr and the Red Shoes

One day, Snipp, Snapp, and Snurr decided to buy their mother the perfect birthday present–a pair of red shoes. So they set out to earn some money. Things did not go exactly as planned, but in the end, Mother was very surprised!

Forging Freedom: A True Story of Heroism during the Holocaust

Jaap Penraat can’t understand the Germans’ hatred of his Jewish neighbors in his hometown of Amsterdam. As the restrictions multiply and the violence escalates, Jaap knows he must take action to help his friends. He begins by using his father’s printing press to forge identification cards and papers for Jewish neighbors and refugees, but as the Nazi grasp tightens, he is forced to take a more drastic path leading twenty Jews on the dangerous first leg of a journey to Paris, the start of the underground pipeline to safety.This initial group of twenty men is only the beginning; the number eventually grows to over four hundred Jews saved from certain death by Jaap Penraat’s heroic efforts, brought to life in this vivid retelling.