Surviving Hitler

Caught up in Hitler’s Final Solution to annihilate Europe’s Jews, 15-year-old Jack is torn from his family and thrown into the nightmarish world of the concentration camps. Jack forges friendships with other prisoners, and together they struggle to make it one more days.

A Friend Called Anne

The story of Jacqueline van Maarsen (‘Jopie’), who was Anne Frank’s best friend before Anne went into hiding. She remembers her friendship with Anne, her own experiences of the Holocaust, and accepting the fame of Anne’s diary.

Season Of Rage: Hugh Burnett And The Struggle For Civil Rights

The last place in North America where black people and white people could not sit down together to share a cup of coffee in a restaurant was not in the Deep South. It was in the small, sleepy Ontario town of Dresden, the site of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.