A poor and foolish king marries off his three daughters to the Sun, the Moon, and the Raven and then tries to copy their special talents.
Materials from Russia
A poor and foolish king marries off his three daughters to the Sun, the Moon, and the Raven and then tries to copy their special talents.
The witch Baba Yaga uses a trick to capture a young man, but he cleverly avoids being eaten.
When a terrible witch vows to eat her for supper, a little girl escapes with the help of a towel and comb given to her by the witch’s cat.
Bearhead succeeds in outwitting the witch Madame Hexaba and a frog-headed goblin. Half-bear and half-man, he outwits an evil witch by being totally honest.
When the Czar proclaims that he will marry his daughter to the man who brings him a flying ship, the Fool of the World sets out to try his luck.
When Prince Ivan sets out to find the Firebird for his father the tsar, he must complete a series of tasks before obtaining the Firebird and winning the hand of a beautiful princess.
A retelling of the old Russian fairy tale in which beautiful Vasalisa uses the help of her doll to escape from the clutches of the witch Baba Yaga.
This book retells the orchestral fairy tale in which a boy ignores his grandfather’s warnings and captures a wolf with the help of a bird, a duck, and a cat.
A biography of the tsar who began the transformation of Russia into a modern state in the late seventeenth-early eighteenth centuries.
Thirteen-year-old Rachel ignores her parents’ wishes and persuades her great-grandmother Nana Sashie to relate the story of her escape from czarist Russia. An ALA Notable Book.