The Fox And The Crow

In this timeless Aesop’s fable, a fox and a crow vie for a piece of bread. The crow has it, but can the fox get it? This breathtakingly beautiful picture book adapted by Manasi Subramaniam and by Culpeo S. Fox is an exploration of this tale. Each page stands alone like a brilliant painting; when the pages come together, they tell us the story like never before.

Mouse & Lion

On a ridge above the Kalihari, Lion naps, until Mouse bumbles into him, willy-nilly, startling him awake. After a show of teeth, Lion is softened by Mouse’s pledge of loyalty and sets him free. When a cold moon brings a humbling lesson, Lion comes to recognize Mouse’s keen skill, and deeper kindness.

Aesop’s Fables

A little mouse saves the life of a great lion; hungry Grasshopper, too lazy to store food, gets no mercy from the industrious ants; crafty Jackal tricks Klipspringer to escape death – but is himself tricked by the cock and the dog…. Here are 16 of Aesop’s wise, witty and timeless fables, portrayed for the first time in an African setting.