Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave

A retelling of the old Russian fairy tale in which beautiful Vasilisa uses the help of her doll to escape from the clutches of the witch Baba Yaga, who in turn sets in motion the events which lead to the once ill-treated girl’s marrying the tzar.

Vasalisa and Her Magic Doll

A retelling of the old Russian fairy tale in which beautiful Vasalisa uses the help of her doll to escape from the clutches of the witch Baba Yaga.

A Doll for Navidades

Las Navidades are coming. The house smells of cinnamon and coconut, crepe paper festoons the yard, and best of all, the Three Magi will soon bring presents to all the children. Esmeralda hopes they will bring her a baby doll. But instead, she receives something far more precious: she experiences firsthand the magic of giving and the power of her family’s love for her.

Elizabeti’s Doll

When a young Tanzanian girl gets a new baby brother, she finds a rock, which she names Eva, and makes it her baby doll.