Hannah on the Farm

Hannah the hen spends a whole day on the farm looking for a quiet place to lay her eggs, so that she can have chicks of her own. The pigs grunt too loudly, the lambs are too playful, the cows are too clumsy…Will Hannah ever find a nice quiet place where her eggs will be safe?

Handa’s Hen

Every morning, Handa, a young girl from the Luo tribe, feeds breakfast to Mondi, her grandma’s black hen. This morning, however, Mondi is nowhere to be seen. So Handa and her friend Akeyo set off on a hunt, coming upon two fluttery butterflies, three stripy mice, four little lizards, five beautiful sunbirds, and many more intriguing creatures. But where could Mondi be? Is that a faint cheeping they hear under the bush? Might Mondi have a surprise in store (or maybe even ten of them)?

Hedgie’s Surprise

Hedgie, the hedgehog, helps Henny, the speckled hen, trick the Tomten who has been eating all of Henny’s eggs for breakfast.

Four Hens and a Rooster

Four hens live on a chicken farm. A little rooster lives there, too. “What a nice little rooster you have here,” everyone says when they come to visit. Indeed, it seems so for a while. But then the rooster begins to take more food for himself, and the hens get less. When the hens try talking to him about fairness, they’re not prepared for his reaction. The rooster turns into an egotistical barnyard bully, and the hens are worse off than before. Finally, the oldest hen puts her foot down: “We can’t go on like this. We must do something.”