Follows a mother tiger and her cubs, Sera and Puli, as they seek a new home away from the men and dogs hunting near their den.
Follows a mother tiger and her cubs, Sera and Puli, as they seek a new home away from the men and dogs hunting near their den.
Robert J. Blake shines a light on a little-known animal.Burnie, Winnie and Big Stanley are three Tasmanian devil pups growing up in the wild. Along with their mother, they make one happy family. Since the pups are still so small, Mum does all the hunting. But one night, Mum doesnt come home and the pups are getting hungry . . . and worried. They need food, but more importantly, they need Mum. Big Stanley is the first to leave the den. Then Burnie. And finally Winnie. Together they set out with one goal in mind: find Mum.
A bear hunter finds his destiny in the hills of Mt. Nametoko.
On Christmas Eve, a young boy enters an ice-webbed forest, where he encounters an old blind man who is hunting the wonderous and elusive white stag.
A boy pursues and captures elusive butterflies but decides that it is more fun to carry home his memories than a trophy.
Describes the family life, games, hunting and fishing techniques, homes, clothing, beliefs, and means of travel of the Indians of the Northwest.
Describes how the Inuit built their igloos, kayaks and sledges; made their clothing and prepared their food; played games and carved objects from soapstone; and how they hunted and fished.
Brilliant, colorful paintings depict children of the Yukon at work and play: snaring rabbits, feeding ravens, racing on snowshoes and hunting moose, panning for gold in famous Bonanza Creek, and exploring the ruins of Dawson City.