Quiero Ser Camionero (I Want To Be a Truck Driver)

In this book male and female truck drivers from all cultures are featured, seen in active and appealing photographs. The lives of these important people are depicted with excitement and realism and easy-to-read captions are explanatory and informative without talking down to the young reader. Perfect for bedtime reading, quiet time, or group story times, the “I Want to Be…” books spark questions and conversation, and can prompt children to learn more about a particular occupation, while reinforcing the importance of aspiring to be their best.

Goodnight Moon (Spanish Edition): Buenas Noches, Luna

Buenas noches, Luna
por Margaret Wise Brown
Ilustrado por Clement Hurd

En una gran habitación verde, arropado en su cama, está un conejito.
— Buenas noches, habitación.
— Buenas noches, Luna — dice el conejito.

Y así sucesivamente, le da las buenas noches a todas las cosas que reconoce en su cuarto: al cuadro de los tres ositos sentaditos en sus sillas, a los relojes y a los calcetines, a los gatitos juguetones y a los lindos mitones.

En este cuento clásico de la literatura infantil, adorado por generaciones de niños, la poesía que encierra su texto y la ternura de sus bellas ilustraciones con-vierten a éste en un libro ideal para culminar el día.

Benny (Libros Del Mundo) (Spanish Edition)

Benny no puede encontrar su hueso. Ha olfateado por todas partes y…nada. Efectivamente, ¡todos los olores han desaparecido! Quizás una visita al Dr. Duncan y a su Máquina Esnifadora le pueda ayudar.

Benny can not find his bone. He has smelled everywhere and … nothing. Indeed, all the smells have disappeared! Maybe a visit to Dr. Duncan and his Sniffer Machine can help him.

Zora Hurston Y El Arbol Sonador / Zora Hurston And The Chinaberry Tree (Spanish Edition)

Zora’s father thinks she should wear dresses instead of overalls and leave tree climbing and dreaming of big cities to boys. But her mother teaches Zora that dreams, like new tree branches, are always within reach. “Emphasizes the awareness of family, nature, and community that is reflected in [Hurston’s] writing.” — The New York Times Book Review

Un Regalo De Gracias: La Leyenda De La Altagracia (Spanish Edition)

After their olive crop fails, Maria fears that her family will have to abandon their farm on the new island colony. Then, one night she dreams of a mysterious and beautiful lady shrouded by trees with branches hung with hundreds of little suns. They are oranges like the ones Maria’s parents once ate in their homeland, Valencia, Spain. That very day, Maria and her family plant the seeds that soon yield a magnificent orange grove and save the farm. But who was the mysterious lady who appeared in her dream and will Maria ever find her again to say gracias?

Opuestos (Opposites)

Serious silliness for all ages. Artist Sandra Boynton is back and better than ever with completely redrawn versions of her multi-million selling board books. These whimsical and hilarious books, featuring nontraditional texts and her famous animal characters, have been printed on thick board pages, and are sure to educate and entertain children of all ages.

Cuando Era Puertorriqueña

Magia, tensión sexual, comedia e intenso drama se mueven dentro de ésta encantadora pero a la vez dura autobiografía; es la historia de una niña que deja a su pueblo en Puerto Rico por la atracción de Nueva York, y una oportunidad para el éxito. “Clara, calladamente poderosa y muy lírica: una historia de verdadera valentía.” – Kirkus Reviews