Follow the moon through the eyes of a father and daughter in this informative and visually stunning nonfiction picture book. Written by astronomer Jun Chang-hoon, and illustrated by award-winning Jang Ho, the book provides easy-to-follow scientific explanations for young readers alongside lavish acrylic drawings of the moon in the night sky.
story and information
The Queen’s Shadow :

It is during the Queen’s Ball, at which “society’s most important nobility” are in attendance (all of whom are animals), that a “major crime has been committed”: the queen’s shadow has been stolen!
Big Red Kangaroo

In the center of Australia, the sun is setting over the baked earth, and Red Kangaroo stirs from his rest. It’s breakfast time, and Red must lead his mob of kangaroos off to find grasses for grazing. But Red is also on the watch for young male kangaroos who are ready to challenge him and try to take his place as leader. Striking illustrations set the mood for a compelling, fact-filled story of red kangaroos in the wilds of Australia.
Next Year In Jerusalem

Jewish stories set in Jerusalem, adapted from the Talmud and Midrash, Hasidic sources, and oral tradition, with origins in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Spain, Italy, and Greece.