A young Palestinian girl living in diaspora struggles to find her homeland on a map in this gentle and heartfelt picture book. At school, Falasteen and her classmates are tasked with finding their families’ home countries on a map, but no matter how hard she looks, Falasteen can’t find Palestine. Can a place exist if it’s not on a map? Confused, Falasteen turns to her family for answers. Her grandfather, grandmother, and Mama encourage her to see their homeland from a different perspective, and each of their stories helps her understand her people’s history and her own place in the world.
- ISBN: 9781250896704
- Author: Odeh, Maysa
- Illustrator: Betawi, Alaa
- Published: 2024 , Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)
- Descriptors: Palestine, Picture Book, Primary (ages 6-9)
- No. of pages: 40