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“Outstanding International Books 2015”: Part 2

by Holly Johnson, The University of Cincinatti

USBBYAs I noted last week, on January 30, 2015, USBBY announced the Outstanding International Books for 2015. I also mentioned how terrific this year’s books are, and how indeed, there is something for everyone. I also noted that many of the books can be enjoyed and used across age categories. Last week I looked at four great books that highlighted wonderful artistic forms. This week, I turn to some fantastic picture books that can be enjoyed or used across age groups. Continue reading

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Outstanding International Books 2015!

by Holly Johnson, The University of Cincinatti

USBBYOn January 30, 2015, USBBY announced the Outstanding International Books for 2015. The OIBs, as stated on the USBBY website are “deemed most outstanding of those published during the calendar year. For the purposes of this honor list, the term “international book” is used to describe a book published or distributed in the United States that originated or was first published in a country other than the U.S.” The criteria includes artistic style and literary merit, creativity of approach, distinctiveness of topic, uniqueness of origin, and qualities that engage and appeal to young people. Continue reading