From killer toads, feral felines, and brown tree snakes to multiple invaders in Lake Victoria and the Great Lakes, wave after wave of invaders affect our ecosystems and the side-effects of climate change and modern global travel on our world today. An informative look at alien invaders and how they impact our world. From the days of sailing ships and shipboard rats to the fungus that sparked the Irish potato famine to the beautiful but deadly purple loosestrife strangling native wetlands, they examine extinctions and endangerments directly attributable to these alien invaders. Learn where the invaders originated, how they traveled, where they settled, what they displaced, why the invaded natural system was vulnerable, and what can be done.
Related: Intermediate (ages 9-14), International, Nonfiction
- ISBN: 9780887767982
- Authors: Drake, Jane; Love, Ann
- Illustrator: Thurman, Mark
- Published: 2008, Tundra Books
- Themes: ecosystem, endangered species
- Descriptors: Intermediate (ages 9-14), International, Nonfiction
- No. of pages: 56