Worlds of Words, in partnership with Longview, presents Exploring International and Intercultural Understanding through Global Literature by Susan Corapi and Kathy Short. This publication provides examples of how K-12 teachers work together in study groups to integrate global children’s and adolescent literature in their schools. The guide includes links to teacher vignettes that provide rich details of classroom experiences and books that encourage global perspectives along with structures for teacher study groups.
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Words, song, dance, movies, and even mathematical formulas are shared stories. Story telling is not just something we do; it is how we think. Global stories are effective classroom tools. Kathy Short and Jennifer Manise discuss this in a post for Education Week. The post begins, “While there is an increasing need for global education, the actual implementation of a curriculum that builds international understanding remains an elusive or unevenly applied goal in many schools.” One way to expand the use of global stories is through literacy communities. These groups work together to integrate global literature. How can be found in the free guide.
Stories integrate our lives into the fabric of society and cement our learning for years to come. WOW appreciates the support of Longview in the production of Exploring International and Intercultural Understanding through Global Literature.
I’d like to cite Exploring International and Intercultural Understanding through Global Literature by Susan Corapi and Kathy Short in a paper I am writing. When was it published?
Based on the reference list, I think you could safely use 2011.
Published 2015 according to this site:
Corapi, Susan, and Kathy G. Short. Exploring International and Intercultural Understanding through Global Literature. Longview Foundation: Worlds of Words. 2015. Web. 30 Nov. 2015.