At fourteen, Alis has never been outside her strict religious community. But when her parents arrange for her to marry a forty-year-old man, she flees desperately to the dangerous, unfamiliar city. She learns quickly that the only way to survive there is to become a thief—or worse. Facing an impossible choice between a forced marriage or life on the streets, Alis seizes control of her own fate. But the path she chooses sets off a disastrous chain of events that leave her accused of murder. Steadfastly loyal, Alis must decide: will she betray a loved one or sacrifice herself?
- ISBN: 9780670011254
- Author: Rich, Naomi
- Published: 2009, Viking Juvenile
- Themes: arranged marriage, Conflict, Determination, Religion, runaway
- Descriptors: England (UK), Historical Fiction, Young Adult (ages 14-18)
- No. of pages: 288