The Last Dragon

In a world shrouded in darkness and continually lashed by rain,a young elf named Yorsh struggles to survive. When the torrential waters destroy his village, Yorsh finds himself alone. Yorsh discovers he is part of a prophecy and find the last dragon to save the world from the Dark Age.

Related: Europe, Fantasy, Italy, Young Adult (ages 14-18)

array(6) {
  array(1) {
    string(16) "De Mari, Silvana"
  array(1) {
    string(17) "Whiteside , Shaun"
  array(1) {
    string(13) "9780786836369"
  array(1) {
    string(4) "2006"
  array(3) {
    string(3) "Elf"
    string(10) "Redemption"
    string(6) "Dragon"
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    string(10) "0786836369"