This delightful tale about two young friends in 17th-century Holland is inspired by Vermeer’s two masterpieces, The Milkmaid and The Lacemaker. Although one is the daughter of a wealthy Dutch family and the other a household servant, Anna and Johanna become friends. Born on the same day, they celebrate their joint birthdays by making gifts for each other. But then a letter arrives that changes their lives forever. Told against the backdrop of the 17th-century Dutch city of Delft and its thriving commercial and artistic culture, this story of an unlikely friendship echoes the themes of Vermeer’s luminous depiction of domestic life.
- ISBN: 9783791373454
- Published: 2018 , Prestel Junior
- Themes: Art and artists, Friendship, History
- Descriptors: Europe, Netherlands, Picture Book, Primary (ages 6-9)
- No. of pages: 32