A companion to My Cat, the Silliest Cat in the World, chronicling the silliest cat’s younger years. The only thing cuter than a cat is a kitten, and the only thing cuter than a kitten is a kitten who is actually an enormous elephant! After being chosen from a litter of other brightly colored elephants, Gilles’s “kitten” must acclimate himself to his new home. Just like in the first book, the elephant behaves like a kitten should–making a mess, hiding from his food bowl, and waging a war with a particularly tricky stuffed animal.
Related: Fantasy, France, Infant/toddler (ages 0-2)
- ISBN: 9780810994157
- Author: Bachelet, Gilles
- Published: 2007, Abrams Books for Young Readers
- Themes: cat, Elephants, New home, relationship
- Descriptors: Fantasy, France, Infant/toddler (ages 0-2)
- No. of pages: 32