WOW Dozen: Biographies of Latin American and Latinx Activists, Politicians and Freedom Fighters

By Janine M. Schall, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Latin American and Latinx people have a long history of fighting to make their world a better place. In the face of oppression, discrimination, or inequality leaders have emerged to work for change across generations. Sometimes they do so by working within the system as a political or military leader but sometimes they seek change by working outside the system to disrupt institutionalized injustice.

This collection contains 12 picturebook biographies of Latinx and Latin American activists, politicians, and freedom fighters working for political freedom, better working conditions, environmental justice and more. Some of these people are beloved by all, while others have controversial histories. While the causes, movements, and actions vary, each biography depicts someone passionate about their cause and focused on improving their community.

WOW Dozen features a list of 12 global books for children and adolescents around a theme, topic, issue or personal favorites. Each Dozen consists of ten newly-published titles with two older “must have” books. Please share or recommend additional books that fit the theme in the comments section or on social media using #WOWDozen. Use the printer icon in the upper left corner of this post to print or save this list as a PDF.

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One thought on “WOW Dozen: Biographies of Latin American and Latinx Activists, Politicians and Freedom Fighters

  1. Janine Schall says:

    A new book that would make a good addition to this list is “Planting Hope: A Portrait of Photographer Sebastiao Salgado” by Philip Hoelzel & Renato Alarcao. It was published about a month ago and is a biography of the Brazilian photographer and activist.

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