From the kidnapping of Einstein’s brain to the horrifying end of Louis XIV’s heart, the mysteries surrounding some of history’s most famous body parts range from medical to macabre. Carlyn Beccia explores the misadventures of noteworthy body parts through history and uses them as springboards for exploring topics such as forensics, DNA testing, brain science, organ donation, and cloning. The engaging, conversational tone of the text, the wonderfully creepy subject matter, and the delightfully detailed art are sure to capture even the most reluctant readers. The famous people and their body parts include: Galileo Galilei / Fingers ; Louis XIV / Heart ; George Washington / Teeth ; Franz Hayden / Head ; Beethoven / Hair ; Abraham Lincoln / Body ; Cheng and Eng Bunker / Liver ; Phineas Gage / Skull ; John Wilkes Booth / Neck vertebrae ; Vincent Van Gogh / Ear ; Sarah Bernhardt / Leg ; Mata Hari / Head ; Albert Einstein / Brain ; Elvis Presley / Wart ; Thomas Edison / Last Breath.
- ISBN: 9780802737458
- Published: 2018 , Bloomsbury USA
- Themes: History, History of science, Human Body
- Descriptors: Intermediate (ages 9-14), International, Nonfiction
- No. of pages: 208