From the first page of this unusual and original collaboration between Jorge Luján and Isol, readers will realize that this is not just another counting book. Whether they are discovering that three is for bedtime kisses, or that five is for secret creatures hiding in a glove, children will delight in the poetic and sometimes surreal text. The illustrations by Isol, winner of the 2012 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award, depict a world at once familiar and strange, a place where the three musketeers can suddenly become six, and the ugly duckling is not so ugly after all.
- ISBN: 9781554984442
- Author: Lujan, Jorge
- Illustrator: Isol
- Translator: Ouriov, Susan
- Published: 2014 , Groundwood Books
- Themes: number
- Descriptors: Argentina, Counting Book, Infant/toddler (ages 0-2), Mexico, Picture Book
- No. of pages: 32