Little Wolf has been brushing his teeth without being growled at, he’s been going to bed early, and he’s been far too nice to his baby brother, Smellybreff! His parents are so worried that they will never make a beast out of him that they send him off to Cunning College, where his Uncle Bigbad instructs timid cubs in the rules of badness. With each letter home to his parents, Little Wolf reveals a new adventure or lesson that he’s learned on his way to Cunning College. Once there, Little Wolf is in for a few surprises!
Related: England (UK), Fantasy, Primary (ages 6-9)
- ISBN: 9781575054100
- Author: Whybrow, Ian
- Illustrator: Ross, Tony
- Published: 1999, Carolrhoda Books
- Themes: Behavior, uncle, Wolf
- Descriptors: England (UK), Fantasy, Primary (ages 6-9)
- No. of pages: 132