Boys do not cook, and girls cannot play sports–but in this book the pictures tell a different story. Using sparse text and large, bright photographs, the book debunks commonly-held gender-myths. Misconceptions are stated matter-of-factly (Boys don’t cook.), but when the page is turned, each myth is proven false with playful language (Are you sure?) and a contradictory photo (a male professional chef). This jacketless book is perfect for young readers as well as read-alouds and will generate discussions about gender-based assumptions around play and work.
- ISBN: 9781580896696
- Author: Roger, Marie-Sabine & Sol, Anne
- Published: 2014 , Charlesbridge
- Themes: gender inequality, gender roles, girls
- Descriptors: Concept Book, Early Years (ages 2-6), International, Picture Book
- No. of pages: 40