Legend Of Spud Murphy

Every kid in town knows about Spud Murphy. Grown-ups think she’s the kindly old librarian, but kids know the truth. They’ve heard all about the gas-powered spud gun she keeps hidden under her desk-make so much as a sound in her library and you could get spudded with soggy potatoes. Laugh out loud and you may never be seen again . . . And now, in a major coup of parental injustice, Will and his older brother, Marty, have been ordered to spend their summer vacation in Spud’s library! Will brothers Will and Marty survive a summer marooned on the carpet of Spud’s children’s section, under the watchful eye of this terrifying librarian? Or will they discover a new interest that surprises even them?

Related: Ireland, Primary (ages 6-9), Realistic Fiction

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