by Janine Schall, University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, TX
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Codeswitching: Translation and Linguistic Issues
by Janine Schall, University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, TX
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English/Spanish Codeswitching in Children’s Literature
by Janine Schall, University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, TX
I spend los domingos with Abuelito y Abuelita.
Abuelito y Abuelita are my mother’s parents.
They are always happy to see me.
I say: –¡Hola, Abuelito! ¡Hola, Abuelita!—as I get out of the car.
And they say: –¡Hola, hijita! ¿Cómo estás? ¡Hola, mi corazón!
I Love Saturdays y domingos
Alma Flor Ada
“I love to see that my language is valued and that my ELL students are offered booksthat they can connect to.” – Gracia