The Heroine: Tiffany Aching, incipient witch and cheese maker extraordinaire, once saved world from Queen of the Elves, and is about to discover that battling evil monarchs is child’s play compared to mortal combat with a Hiver. At eleven years old, she is boldest heroine ever to have confronted the Forces of Darkness while armed with a frying pan. The Threat: A Hiver, insidious disembodied presence drawn to powerful magic. Highly dangerous, frequently lethal. Cannot be stopped with iron or fire. Its target: Tiffany Aching.
- ISBN: 9780060586614
- Author: Pratchett, Terry
- Published: 2004 , HarperTeen
- Themes: Fairies, Humor, Monsters, Witches
- Descriptors: England (UK), Fantasy, Fiction, Intermediate (ages 9-14)
- No. of pages: 288