Susan Beth Pfeffer’s Life as We Knew It enthralled and devastated readers with its brutal but hopeful look at an apocalyptic event–an asteroid hitting the moon, setting off a tailspin of horrific climate changes. Now this harrowing companion novel examines the same events as they unfold in New York City, revealed through the eyes of seventeen-year-old Puerto Rican Alex Morales. When Alex’s parents disappear in the aftermath of tidal waves, he must care for his two younger sisters, even as Manhattan becomes a deadly wasteland, and food and aid dwindle.>With haunting themes of family, faith, personal change, and courage, this powerful new novel explores how a young man takes on unimaginable responsibilities.
- ISBN: 9780152063115
- Author: Pfeffer, Susan Beth
- Published: 2008 , Harcourt Children's Books
- Themes: Courage, Faith, Family, missing people, natural disaster, Puerto Rican in New York, responsibility, Tsunami
- Descriptors: Intermediate (ages 9-14), Latinx in US, United States, Young Adult (ages 14-18)
- No. of pages: 336