Through a series of strange coincidences, orphan Edie finds herself at Knight’s Haddon, a stately boarding school for girls. But Edie is not just another student–under normal circumstances, she could never afford to go to boarding school. She’s been sent to Knight’s Haddon by her art-dealer uncle to investigate the disappearance of a precious crystal bird that belongs to his secretive client’s daughter. Anastasia, a Russian royal, has a fragile disposition and a melodramatic bent–or so the headmistress and all the other girls say. Edie’s assignment is not only to find the missing glass bird; it’s to befriend the troubled blueblood and keep a watchful eye on her.
- ISBN: 9780545699846
- Author: Kerr, Esme
- Published: 2015 , Chicken House
- Themes: boarding schools, Friendship, Mystery and detective story
- Descriptors: England (UK), Fiction, Intermediate (ages 9-14)
- No. of pages: 272