Don’t be fooled by the pillbox hats, pearl necklaces, or support hose. Ignore the walkers, hearing aids, and false teeth. Little old ladies are people to be reckoned with and lead far more exciting lives than we could ever imagine. To benefit from these wonderful women, all you have to do is listen. In this quirky, uproarious picture book, Franziska Kalch uncovers the secrets of this often misunderstood population. You won’t find these old ladies feeding the ducks at the pond or walking at the local mall. Instead, look for them at the trendiest dance clubs or basking by the pool. They have so many experiences and ideas to share. We just have to ask.
- ISBN: 9780698400870
- Author: Kalch, Franziska
- Published: 2008, Minedition
- Themes: Humor, Storytelling, Women and girls
- Descriptors: Early Years (ages 2-6), Germany, Picture Book
- No. of pages: 32