Made on the sixth day of Creation, a white ram waits patiently in the Garden of Eden. The other animals leave one by one, but the ram waits and waits until he is needed to fulfill God’s will. Running to the aid of Abraham, the ram must prevail over many temptations in order to save a child. In this lyrically told and beautifully illustrated story, a white ram sacrifices himself to save a boy’s life. It is a book that will be adored by readers of all faiths and ages, and will be of special interest during the celebration of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.
- ISBN: 9780823418978
- Published: 2006 , Holiday House
- Themes: Jewish, Religious, Sheep
- Descriptors: Israel, Middle East, Picture Book, Primary (ages 6-9)
- No. of pages: 32