Avocado Magic

Ellie finds herself disappointed when she wakes up on her birthday and realizes she hasn’t grown taller overnight. However, her father shares a comforting secret with her: just like the small but magical avocado pit, Ellie is full of potential and growth.

Together, Ellie and her father plant an avocado seed by the window and patiently watch as both Ellie and the avocado plant begin to flourish. As they nurture the plant, Ellie learns valuable lessons about patience, perseverance, and the wonders of nature.

Inspired by the childhood experiences of Israeli artist and writer, Taltal Levi, this story captures the universal magic of growth and transformation. Included with the story are instructions for growing your own avocado tree, inviting readers to embark on their own journey of discovery and growth alongside Ellie.

Snoozie, Sunny, And So-So

A cat named Soozie doesn’t like to move very much, while Sunny, a dog, is afraid of the rain. They may be very different, but they are still best friends. One day, they meet a timid a dog who is feeling “so-so”. How will the two friends coax her into joining them for a birthday part? And how will it change their lives?

…Too Far From Home

Meskerem was born in a small town in the Golan Heights of Israel, to an Ethiopian mother and an American father. Soon after Operation Solomon, when several thousand Ethiopian immigrants were brought to Israel, Meskerem’s parents decided to move to the center of the country, to the town of Herzelia. Meskerem comes face-to-face with the ignorance and prejudices of her new classmates, many of whom are meeting someone dark-skinned for the first time. With the help of her Ethiopian grandmother, who remained in Kazerin, Meskerem comes to terms with who she is and finds strength in belonging to three different cultures.

Beni’s War

In this sequel to The Six-Day Hero, by Tammar Stein, Beni is unhappy when his family moves from bustling Jerusalem to a remote moshav, a collective farm. There Beni makes a new friend, Sara, and new adversaries, Ori and Yoni. Beni’s older brother Motti, a soldier in the Israeli army, can back him up in a fight, but Beni knows that sometimes Motti must be away to fight for Israel. Everything changes as the quiet of the holy day of Yom Kippur is shattered with hundreds of artillery shells falling on the moshav. Egypt and Syria have attacked, and war has come to Israel once again. Motti must return to his unit, and Beni’s nemesis, Yoni, moves in with Beni’s family when his baby brother is injured. As the war continues and worries mount about the fates of Motti as well as Sara’s brother Yuval, Beni learns the importance of friendship, and being brave enough to act when the time comes.

The Mermaid In The Bathtub (Yonder)

One day, a resolutely ordinary young man named Mr. Whatwilltheysay returns home to find Grain-of-Sand, a mermaid, waiting for him in his favorite armchair. Despite his objections, the two embark on a series of very watery adventures as he tries to get rid of her. But ultimately the thought of being seen with half a fish is simply too much for Mr. Whatwilltheysay to bear—what would people say? So broken-hearted Grain-of-Sand returns to the sea in his bathtub, leaving Mr. Whatwilltheysay to resume his pedestrian existence. Mr. Whatwilltheysay soon finds that his beloved landlubber life, however, lacks the splash and shimmer (and bathtub) of his good times with Grain-of-Sand—and acting against all his instincts, he sets off to sea to find her.

Daniel And Ismail

Daniel and Ismail, one Jewish and the other Palestinian, don’t know each other yet, but they have more in common than they know. They live in the same city and have the same birthday, and this year they get the same presents: a traditional scarf—for Daniel a tallit and for Ismail a keffiyeh and a soccer ball. Taking their gifts out for a spin, they meet by chance on a soccer field, and they soon begin to play together and show off the tricks they can do. They get so absorbed in the fun that they lose track of time and mix up their gifts: Daniel picks up Ismail’s keffiyeh and Ismail takes Daniel’s tallit. When they get home and discover their mistake, their parents are shocked and angry, asking the boys if they realize who wears those things. That night, Daniel and Ismail have nightmares about what they have seen on the news and heard from adults about the other group. But the next day, they find each other in the park and get back to what really matters: having fun and playing the game they both love.

The Hawk and the Dove

The late Paul Kor, an internationally acclaimed Israeli author-illustrator, sought to create a miracle with this book borne out of his own brutal experiences of war. With its striking illustrations, the simple but powerful story offers a hopeful message of peace in a time of uncertainty. Clever paper cuts allow readers to play an active role in the transformations with every turn of the page, thus encouraging children to recognize they have the power to affect change, including when it comes to choosing peace over war in the future. This book provides an accessible look at the concepts of war and peace and would make a terrific discussion starter on the subject. It could also be a model for an art lesson on papercutting. A note at the end of the book details the inspiration behind the story and the book’s creation, accompanied by photographs.