In December 1937 the city of Nanking, China, falls to brutal Japanese invaders, and thus begins a compelling drama of widespread chaos and personal courage. Against a backdrop of burning buildings and random atrocities stands Scald Ibis, the teenage daughter of an eminent scholar, who must transform herself completely in order to survive. With her family gone, she is forced to work as a prostitute in a bordello, changing slowly and painfully from a girl into a woman. Her fortunes improve when a Japanese warlord, Hayashi, takes a fancy to her; but her greatest challenge comes with the sudden appearance of her ailing father, whose inner demons threaten both of their lives.
Related: Asia, China, Historical Fiction, Young Adult (ages 14-18)
- ISBN: 9780879517922
- Author: West, Paul
- Published: 1997, Overlook TP
- Themes: Courage, Family, Survival, Survive, Transition
- Descriptors: Asia, China, Historical Fiction, Young Adult (ages 14-18)
- No. of pages: 272