Artie was a happy little lion, and Julie was a happy little rabbit—until one day Julie was sent to the grassland to eat grass, and Artie was sent to the grassland to eat . . . rabbit! Distracted from their destinations, they both discover a delicious jellyberry patch. Driven by a sudden storm into a nearby cave, they become friends before they know they are meant to be enemies. Each returns home with a new friend, a tuft of each other’s fur as a keepsake, and a surprising story to tell their parents. A unique design adds depth to this clever tale—when Artie and Julie are apart their parallel stories are told on separate split pages, but when the two become friends the pages join together as well. Filled with playful art that adds a whimsical tone, this amusing story encourages young readers to overlook differences and demonstrates that fear should never be an obstacle to friendship.
Featured in Vol. I, Issue 4 of WOW Review.
- ISBN: 9780978755034
- Author: Chen, Chih-Yuan
- Published: 2008, Heryin Books, Inc.
- Themes: appreciating differences, Friendship, lion, overcoming fear, Rabbit
- Descriptors: Picture Book, Primary (ages 6-9), Taiwan
- No. of pages: 56