In the savanna lands of Africa, there lives a lion cub who dreams of being a musician. But his father is against this because he expects the lion cub to become the king of the animals. And in order to become the king, he must learn how to growl menacingly, not how to play instruments and sing. Will the lion cub really have to abandon his dream?
The Lion Who Stole My Arm

When his ambition to become a great hunter like his father is crushed by a lion attack that causes him to lose an arm, young Pedru is overcome by a desire to kill the lion that mauled him but questions his resolve when an opportunity arises.
Little Lion

One day, Dad comes home with a lion. “Brought you a dog,” says Dad. Mum and the children don’t believe him, but they call it Dog, let it sleep in the dog basket, and keep quiet about their strange, noisy pet. But Big Jonno, the school bully, is curious, and tries to make life tough, until one day, the worst thing happens — the Lion escapes and finds Big Jonno.This delightfully surreal story by a multi-award-winning author and talented illustrator — in which a bully gets his just deserts — will keep young readers guessing all the way through! The inspiration for this story came from the Bleek-Lloyd collection of stories written down by the linguists Wilhelm Bleek, his daughter Jemima and his sister-in-law Lucy Lloyd when they were recording the language and stories of the |Xam* people of the Northern Cape in South Africa.The original story doesn’t have a middle or an end, but it has a very funny beginning when a man brings a lion home and tells his wife it’s a dog.
Mouse & Lion

On a ridge above the Kalihari, Lion naps, until Mouse bumbles into him, willy-nilly, startling him awake. After a show of teeth, Lion is softened by Mouse’s pledge of loyalty and sets him free. When a cold moon brings a humbling lesson, Lion comes to recognize Mouse’s keen skill, and deeper kindness.
Artie And Julie

Artie was a happy little lion, and Julie was a happy little rabbit—until one day Julie was sent to the grassland to eat grass, and Artie was sent to the grassland to eat . . . rabbit! Distracted from their destinations, they both discover a delicious jellyberry patch. Driven by a sudden storm into a nearby cave, they become friends before they know they are meant to be enemies. Each returns home with a new friend, a tuft of each other’s fur as a keepsake, and a surprising story to tell their parents. A unique design adds depth to this clever tale—when Artie and Julie are apart their parallel stories are told on separate split pages, but when the two become friends the pages join together as well. Filled with playful art that adds a whimsical tone, this amusing story encourages young readers to overlook differences and demonstrates that fear should never be an obstacle to friendship.
Featured in Vol. I, Issue 4 of WOW Review.
In the Jungle
This book illustrates the animals found in the jungle, such as the elephant, lion, and monkey, providing holes for children’s faces.