This series of biographical vignettes is narrated by Hannah, a lower-middle-class Jewish girl living in a small Russian town. Despite prejudice and political unrest in Russia and the crisis of World War I, Hannah remains optimistic and eager for the future–giving up new clothes for piano lessons, strengthening her relationship with her sister, and learning to face a world in turmoil. Based on the author’s own life, this is a fascinating personal account of a young girl’s transition into womanhood in the early twentieth century.
Related: Europe, Historical Fiction, Intermediate (ages 9-14), Russia
- ISBN: 9780395674017
- Author: Kransnopolsky, Fara Lynn
- Published: 1995, Clarion Books
- Themes: families, Hardship, Jew, prejudice, World War I
- Descriptors: Europe, Historical Fiction, Intermediate (ages 9-14), Russia
- No. of pages: 165