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Catastrophe or Opportunity?: Rethinking and Resisting Deficit Perspectives on the Language and Culture of Children Living in Poverty

By Tracy Smiles, Western Oregon University
(This originally appeared in the Oregon Reading Association’s quarterly newsletter, The ORAcle—Winter 2015).


One cannot expect positive results from an educational or political action program which fails to respect the particular view of the world held by the people. Such a program constitutes cultural invasion, good intentions notwithstanding.
Paulo Freire

A Troubling Discourse

Just the other day I overheard an administrator addressing a group of preservice teachers. He explained, “Children living in poverty have little to no vocabulary.” While this well-meaning individual was trying to describe some of the very real challenges these future teachers could face teaching in culturally, economically, and linguistically diverse contexts, I was troubled by this discourse Continue reading

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Community Outreach Literacy Practices After the March 2011 Earthquake

By Yoo Kyung Sung, University of New Mexico,
and Junko Sakoi, Tucson Unified School District

Toppan CSR Report_2012_P.9 copy

Last week we explored a range of Japanese picture books describing natural disasters. The books became significantly meaningful to children in Japan when the earthquake of 2011 occurred. Allowing time for thinking and talking about the earthquake through picture books developed even more meaning outside of school. Social outreach programs thru mobile libraries were essential for young readers as they, in part, ameliorated the effects of the earthquake for children who lost their schools and access to books. We’d like to explore the traveling library as a type of Japanese cultural artifact that will continue to be important in its future. Continue reading

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Japanese National Trauma: Changing Trends in Japanese Picture Books Since the Tohoku Earthquake

by Yoo Kyung Sung, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM & Junko Sakoi, Tucson Unified School District, Tucson AZ


“March 11th, 2011, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake takes place in Tohoku area including Fukushima, Iwate and Miyagi, 231 miles northeast of Tokyo at a depth of 15.2 miles. The earthquake causes a tsunami with 30-foot waves that damage several nuclear reactors in Fukushima. It is the fourth-largest earthquake on record (since 1900) and the largest to hit Japan… The confirmed death toll is 15,893 as of October 9 2015” (CNN Library, 2015).

The Japan Tohoku earthquake resulted in global environmental concerns despite the fact that earthquake originally appeared to be a limited “Japanese” event. Continue reading

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Natural Disasters: What Should Children Learn?

by Yoo Kyung Sung, University of New Mexico & Junko Sakoi, Tucson Unified School District

hurricane-63005_1280This month we will discuss social meanings inherent in children’s literature, specifically addressing some recent global and national natural disasters that resulted in the heavy loss of human life as well as the destruction of homes.

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Extending Read Alouds

by Megan McCaffrey & Katy Hisrich

CenterLearning does not stop once a story is read. A story should be read multiple times in order to know the story well. Learning experiences can and should go beyond the pages of a book. Whatever concepts, ideas, language, illustrations and so on should be further explored in order to deepen understandings. There are many ways to extend learning. Continue reading

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Books for Read Alouds

By Dr. Megan McCaffrey and Dr. Katy E. Hisrich, Governors State University

I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.
-J.K. Rowling

While it is important to know how to read aloud, it is also important to know what to read aloud. There is a vast number of books for children. Ipso facto it may prove daunting and even difficult to make selections for a read aloud. Continue reading

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Characteristics of Read Alouds

By Dr. Megan McCaffrey and Dr. Katy E. Hisrich, Governors State University

Last week, we discussed the importance and benefits of read alouds. We know that read alouds offer numerous benefits and have significant impact on a child’s literacy skills and language development. Now the question remains, “what are the best practices for a read aloud?” This week, we will focus on the characteristics of read alouds. This is includes the factors that one should consider when conducting a read-aloud. I think about this using a simple acronym: P-E-T. Purpose-Environment-Technique.

characteristics of read alouds

Little Roja Riding Hood by Susan Middleton Elya, illustrated by Susan Guevara

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Why Read-Alouds?

by Megan McCaffrey, Katy E. Hisrich, Governors State University

Read-AloudsFor the previous five months, we gathered data from Early Childhood and Elementary Teachers regarding characteristics and practices of read-alouds in their classrooms. Using the data from our survey and other research, we will focus on a key aspect of read-alouds in each weekly blog, sharing guidelines for best practices and providing applications through examples, as well as offering a variety of resources. This month we will cover:

Week 1: Benefits and Importance of Read-Alouds
Week 2: Characteristics of Read-Alouds
Week 3: Books for Read-Alouds
Week 4: Planning & Instruction for Read-Alouds
Week 5: Extending Read-Alouds Continue reading

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Learning to Listen through Enrique and Jacqueline

by Melissa Summer Wells, Gina Crosby-Quinatoa, and Julia López-Robertson, University of South Carolina

Even the silence
has a story to tell you.
Just listen. Listen.
(Brown Girl Dreaming, How to Listen #7, p. 278)

We have enjoyed inviting you into the journeys of Enrique and Jaqueline as they made difficult choices, Continue reading