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Muslim Migrants in Children’s Literature: Ask Me No Questions

by Seemi Aziz, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

ask me no questions, Muslim migrants in children's literatureThis, again is a novel that dramatically represents  the consequences of immigration specifically as it deals with ‘illegal’ immigrants or ‘undocumented’ citizens. This story is about a Bangladeshi Muslim family that is trying to flee to Canada in the aftermath of 9/11 as their papers have expired. The father is arrested, detained and later imprisoned at Canadian border by American authorities and the mother decides to send back the two daughters, Nadira and Ayesha to New York so that they can continue their education and their life goes on uninterrupted. Nadira, the narrator, finds strengths in her that she is not conscious of before and Aisha breaks down even though she is supposed to be the strong one. The story ends with Nadira finding out that it is matter of mistaken identity and the family is eventually cleared.
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