As a child in Izmir, Turkey in the 1980 and 90s, Ozge Samanci watched as her country struggled between its traditional religious heritage and the new secular westernized world of brand-name products and television stars. In Ozge’s own family, she struggled to figure out the place where she belonged, too. Her older sister was a perfect student, and her dad hoped Ozge would study hard, go to good schools, and become an engineer to find stability in their country’s uncertain economic climate. But Ozge was a dreamer and wanted adventure. Could she be a scuba diver like Jacques Costeau? Or should she become a world-famous actress? This touching memoir shows how Ozge dared to overcome both her family and her country’s expectations to find happiness by being an artist.
- ISBN: 9780374316983
- Author: Samanc , Ozge
- Published: 2016 , Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
- Themes: Art and artists, History
- Descriptors: Biography - Autobiography- Memoir, Graphic Novel, Intermediate (ages 9-14), Turkey
- No. of pages: 200