Little Mist is a sweet-faced snow leopard cub who is wide-eyed with wonder at the world before him. Guided and protected by his mother, Little Mist discovers the glistening snow, the mountain streams, and the cloud forests. The world may look big to a little cub, but one day, his mother tells him, he will be the king of the mountains. Safely curled up in his mother’s paws, Little Mist can’t wait for his journey to begin. A heartwarming portrayal of the unique bond between parent and child, set against the breathtaking backdrop of snow-covered mountains. This is the perfect picture book to read curled up with your own little cub.
- ISBN: 9780375867880
- Author: McAllister, Angela
- Illustrator: Fox-Davies, Sarah
- Published: 2011 , Random House Children's Books
- Themes: bond, endangered animal, leopard, Parent and child
- Descriptors: Asia, Early Years (ages 2-6), Fiction, Picture Book, Primary (ages 6-9)
- No. of pages: 32