One thought on “The Ladder

  1. Schipper says:

    Halfdan Rasmussen created a work of art in this book. Not only is the story funny and creative, but also it is also poetic. The words rhyme as they tell the tale of a farmer, a marching band, a car, a mouse, a dog, and some lovers climb up the latter only to disappear in the clouds.

    It all started when a carpenter decided to build a ladder. As the carpenter kept building the ladder, it grew and grew and grew. It stood so tall, that it reached the clouds. Everything that climbed up the ladder ended up being lost in the sky. However, when the sky turns dark and it starts to storm, the farmer, the marching band, the car, the mouse, the dog, and the lovers appear again. This time they find another unconventional method to get back to earth, but it’s not the ladder the carpenter built!

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