A boy who experiences the Bosnian War and finds the secret to survival in language and stories is bound to dazzle a whole new readership. Aleksandar Krsmanovic, Grandpa Slavko’s stories endow life in Višegrad with a kaleidoscopic brilliance. Neighbors, friends, and family past and present take on a mythic quality; the River Drina courses through town like the pulse of life itself. So when his grandfather dies suddenly, Aleksandar promises to carry on the tradition.
- ISBN: 9780802144225
- Author: Stanisic, Sasa
- Illustrator: Bell, Anthea
- Published: 2009 , Grove Press
- Themes: Grandfathers, Magicians, War
- Descriptors: Europe, Fiction, Intermediate (ages 9-14)
- No. of pages: 304