In 2137, fourteen-year-old Matt is stunned to learn that, as the clone of El Patrón, he is expected to take over as leader of the corrupt drug empire of Opium, where there is also a hidden cure for the ecological devastation faced by the rest of the world. Matt wants to use his newfound power to help, to stop the suffering, but he can’t even find a way to smuggle his childhood love, Maria, across the border and into Opium. Instead, his every move hits a roadblock, some from the enemies that surround him…and some from a voice within himself.
- ISBN: 9781442482548
- Author: Farmer, Nancy
- Published: 2013 , Atheneum Books for Young Readers
- Themes: Drugs, Friendship, Hope, leader, suffering, Survival, Young adult
- Descriptors: Fiction, Young Adult (ages 14-18)
- No. of pages: 448