In this thoroughly researched picture book biography, Anne Renaud uses playful and rhythmic language and first-person storytelling to perfectly capture the essence of this unique woman’s uplifting life. The detailed, folk art-inspired illustrations beautifully convey the story’s time and place and sensitively portray Anna’s growth. A great lead-in for classroom discussions about differences and inclusion, this book also offers an excellent character education lesson on perseverance. An author’s note with photographs and more information about Anna’s life make this a terrific choice for lessons on personal development or for social studies lessons on this period in history.
- ISBN: 9781771383769
- Published: 2018 , Kids Can Press
- Themes: Activists, Circus, girls and women, Performing Arts
- Descriptors: Biography - Autobiography- Memoir, Canada, Picture Book, Primary (ages 6-9)
- No. of pages: 32