Meet Rossamünda foundling, a boy with a girls name who is about to begin a dangerous life in the service of the Emperor of the Half-Continent. What starts as a simple journey becomes a dangerous and complicated set of battles and decisions. Humans, monsters, unearthly creatures . . . who among these can Rossamünd trust? D. M. Cornish has created an entirely original world, grounded in his own deft, classically influenced illustrations. Foundling is a magic-laced, Dickensian adventure that will transport the reader.
- ISBN: 9780142409138
- Author: Cornish, D.M.
- Published: 2007 , Puffin
- Themes: Adventure, Family life, growing up, Monsters, Orphans, Self-esteem
- Descriptors: Australia, Fantasy, Intermediate (ages 9-14)
- No. of pages: 448