A Babysitter for Billy Bear

It’s almost bedtime and for the first time, Mama won’t be putting Billy Bear to bed. Lucy the babysitter will be looking after him instead. They read and sing songs together, but when it’s time for bed, Billy and his stuffed rabbit just can’t fall sleep. What can be bothering them?

My Mom

Anthony Browne returns to celebrate the every-mom. We first meet Mom over a cup of coffee, clad in a floral robe. The robe is ever present as her child describes her wondrous abilities and traits: from fantastic cook to brilliant juggler to great painter and from being as beautiful as a butterfly to being as comfy as an armchair – this mother will be recognizable to one and all.

Will You Carry Me?

A toddler who’s too tired to walk but a little too big to be carried-add a parent who’s too tired to carry a toddler but not too tired to be creative, and the end result is a journey enjoyable for both of them.

When Owen’s Mom Breathed Fire

Owen’s mom is usually pretty frantic in the morning because of all she has to do before going to work. Owen finds he can block her out with his dragon head on. But one morning Owen wakes up and discovers that his mom has turned into a dragon. What’s even worse is that she can’t remember how to do mom’s stuff like make breakfast and wash dishes. Instead she eats bugs and breathes fire.