While in Germany with their father, who is researching the Pied Piper legend, Max, nearly thirteen, and her brother Carter, ten, are spirited away to the magical land where the stolen children of Hamelin have been hidden since the thirteenth century.
Pied Piper of Hamelin
The Pied Piper Of Hamelin
The town of Hamelin is infested with rats. The people are at their wits’ end. Then a strange man arrives at the town gates…The Pied Piper promises to help rid the town of the rats. But will they keep their promise to pay him? This classic version of the traditional tale is beautifully brought to life by Maren Briswalter’s gentle, charming illustrations.
The Brixen Witch
Twelve-year-old Rudi stumbles upon a witch’s lair while out hunting, takes a gold coin he finds there but loses it again, then must deal with the witch’s servant who promises to end the town’s rat infestation only if he receives that gold coin, in a story reminiscent of The Pied Piper of Hamelin.
Elaborates on the tale of “The Pied Piper,” told from the point of view of a boy who is too ill to keep up when a piper spirits away the healthy children of a plague-ridden town after being cheated out of full payment for ridding Hamelein of rats.