Ninjas are stealthy. They are disciplined. Ninjas trust no-one, and do not let anything deter them from completion of their mission. Teenage Kata has trained since childhood to live up to the exacting standards that Madame Chiyome sets for her “deadly flowers” – the girls who live a harsh, hungry life at her school for ninjas, and she is determined to succeed in her first mission as an assassin for hire. When it all goes wrong, she finds herself on the run, guarding a powerful amulet as well as the children of one of Japans most powerful warlords. They meet bandits and monks, and are plagued by demons and ghosts. Feudal Japan is a fascinating backdrop for their journey – neither the wealthy children nor skilled Kata truly control their own fate in a country where might equals right. Genuinely thrilling, with surprises at every turn and a solid emotional core, give Deadly Flowers to your Percy Jackson fans and see what happens.
- ISBN: 9781629792149
- Author: Thomson, Sarah L.
- Published: 2016 , Boyd Mills Press
- Themes: action and adventure, Girl, ninja
- Descriptors: Australia, Fiction, Intermediate (ages 9-14)
- No. of pages: 272