In the valley of Fruitless mountain, a young girl named Minli lives in a ramshackle hut with her parents. In the evenings, her father regales her with old folktales of the Jade Dragon and the Old Man on the Moon, who knows the answers to all of life’s questions. Inspired by these stories, Minli sets off on an extraordinary journey to find the Old Man on the Moon to ask him how she can change her family’s fortune. She encounters an assorted cast of characters and magical creatures along the way, including a dragon who accompanies her on her quest for the ultimate answer. Grace Lin, author of the beloved Year of the Dog and Year of the Rat, returns with a wondrous story of adventure, faith, and friendship. A fantasy crossed with Chinese folklore, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a timeless story reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz. Her beautiful illustrations, printed in full-color, accompany the text throughout. Once again, she has created a charming, engaging book for young readers.
- ISBN: 9780316114271
- Author: Lin, Grace
- Published: 2009 , Little, Brown Young Readers
- Themes: Dragons, fortune, Gratitude, Quests
- Descriptors: Asia, China, Fantasy, Folklore and Fairy Tales, Intermediate (ages 9-14)
- No. of pages: 288
This book is a wonderful book. It uses stories to explain things which makes it fun to read. This story is about a poor little girl named Minli. She lives on the fruitless mountain were nothing grows because of the sadness of the Jade Dragon. In the evening around dinnertime her father retales stories of magical things and the Old Man of the MoonShe was inspired by these stories and set out on a quest to meet the Old Man of the Moon to help them with their fourtunes. She encounters multiple creatures and a magical dragon. Find out if she finds the Old Man of the Moon in were the Mouintain meets the Moon
I wouldn’t have thought that a book club would have much of a benefit other than having fun and becoming a better reader. I have been proven wrong.
I chose this book because of the interesting cover picture. As i read and read I got more into the book. Sometimes i felt as if I, myself,were Minli.
Reading a book by an author of Asian descent made things more interesting and clear. I have learned that they are different than most book of American descent. A book like this shows life lessons not only that benifit yourself but others around you. They are lessons that are good for any age. This book taught me more than what i tought it would.
I loved this book. It was easy to read. It was interesting. The book was never boring. It always seemed to have a way to keep your eyes glued to the book.
Something I really liked about it was that you could always find a way to relate the stuff in the story into something in your life. Like how Minli went looking for the Man Of The Moon; we could be looking for answers in our own life.
This boook was well written and an over all excellent one to read. I would recoment it to anyone who likes fantasy or adventure. You don’t have to be a good reader to read this book. You dont even have to like reading, because once you read this you’ll love reading and will have a hard time putting down another book.
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is one of the best books I’ve read! I love how Minli runs off just to help her family and meets up with mythical and/or talking animals. I mean how possible is that? I think that if you have not read this book you should at least try to read it and get lost in the flow of the book plus stories that Minli tells.